
New Car. New Day. New Era

For a long time, it was just a pipe dream: a car powered 100% by solar energy. But in the summer of 2022, that changed in a flash. Dutch make Lightyear was ready to present its astonishing car of the future to the world. And The Oval Office was asked to plan an event with the right vibe, in line with the company’s technological and green standards.

Destination Daylight was the result. A select group of automotive journalists and first buyers were invited to Spain’s Navarre, a rugged region full of untamed nature. They headed out for a test drive at the crack of dawn, the first rays of sun creeping over the mountain tops. For these chosen few, it was the experience of a lifetime. Virtually silent, almost floating over the deserted roads, they beheld not just the start of a new day but the beginning of a whole new era, another way of driving, a bright future. When night fell, the guests – later to become ambassadors – shared their experiences, treated to a dinner that naturally featured only the best local and organic products.

Destination Daylight empowered Lightyear to convincingly demonstrate that it has passed the pioneering stage. The first solar consumer car is a reality. And Lightyear is ready to conquer the world.


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