
Inspiring testimonials

Online marketing, visibility, and findability are a stiff challenge for many SMEs. And that’s why Google provides 100% free access to various courses and training sessions. They aim to grow SME digital skills... Not to mention their sales. To get the word out on their Grow with Google program, Google asked The Oval Office to develop a campaign: Inspire entrepreneurs. Boost the frequency of their participation.

So, entrepreneurs became creativity’s cornerstone. Because seriously. Aren’t they the best spokespeople for the courses? Given our close ties with Grow with Google, it was a snap to find four success stories. We talked in-depth with four young entrepreneurs about how the program has contributed to their growth and success. And production company VideoBird joined us to capture their exciting stories in pictures. Ultimately, we ended up with two short films, one longer video, and countless snapshots. They were then put to use as a campaign tool across the media landscape: newspapers, social media channels, and digital out-of-home ads.

And now? Now, they’re inspiring testimonials. From entrepreneurs, for entrepreneurs. Stories that resonate and empower, where Google plus small business leads to big-time growth.


  • Digital & Social Communication